Monday, May 25, 2015

My Love Story With a Rodent!

Meet Skittles, a Western Gray baby squirrel. He's about 6-7 weeks old and had an unfortunate encounter with our cat Precious. Precious brought him home to us the other night and we were unsure if he was harmed or not. He was able to run when we found him, but it was more like a wobble, so Rob took him in the house in a cardboard box. What next? Thank goodness we can google pretty much anything these days!

We quickly realized that bringing him in was the right thing to do, because a baby squirrel still completely relies on mama to get hydration, nourishment, warmth and protection from predators. Out alone in the cold night, he would probably have died. But what were we supposed to feed him, considering he was still nursing?

We started to hydrate the little guy with a solution of warm water / sugar and salt administered orally with a syringe the vet had given us after our cat was spayed. He was shaking, so we wrapped him up in an old baby spit-up blanket. The next day, I kept reading up on what to do and we ended up buying a little hamster cage with a dispenser bottle and some puppy formula (which he loved!). Already, I was starting to get attached to Skittles.

As a mammal who's had two children, I just can't help but feel love and compassion towards a helpless, orphaned creature! The fact that this one was simply adorable didn't help my obsession. I bonded with this little critter like he was my own. It felt like I was hard wired to act this way, almost like I was on automatic pilot. When I looked into his tiny little brown eyes, it's as though consciousness itself was staring back at me. We were connected by pure Love, because that's what we're all made of, regardless of our varying shapes and sizes. Beyond the illusion of our separate physical bodies, the squirrel and I are One. Sounds a little nuts, I know.

It's the same for you and I, regardless of our current understanding of time and space. We are also One in this very moment. It's sort of like our cells in our body. If our cells start fighting with each other because they "disagree" and are greedy, this will harm the equilibrium of our body (the whole). If, on the other hand, our cells cooperate and lovingly help each other, our body thrives. What if you and I were just like microscopic cells in the body of the Divine? Being part of oneness is difficult for us to comprehend in our three-dimensional perspective, but we remain connected all the same.
Back to squirrel talk. After a couple days of nursing Skittles back to health, he was full of life and energy again. He's a lucky squirrel, because his mama somehow located him and spent a good 48 hours on the outside wall of our house waiting for the right moment to approach Skittles! Here they are, getting reacquainted with each other in the pictures below.
Skittles is now well and free again. I'll miss you, little squirrel. You have shown me yet another expression of real Love. When we look beyond our ego, we can see true Love glowing everywhere.


Health Coach / Reiki Master

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